The brief was to make a large and flexible exhibition space that could be adapted to the work of a variety of established and emerging artists. The photographs here show Kim Brooker’s vast 4.8 x 2.0m oil paintings, however the space has also been home to the sculptures of Jonathan Michael Ray, as well as the works of Amy Stephens and Lindsey Bull.
Our approach was to pair back the interiors and celebrate the qualities of the original architecture, making use of natural daylight, but balancing this with the requirement to light the artwork with exhibition lighting. A tall wall has been built directly in front of the altar to create a primary wall-hanging surface, but this also divides the space to create a more intimate exhibition space behind.
Upstairs there is an additional viewing room, converting the vicar’s quarters into a welcoming space for visitors, with the option of privacy for clients.
The gallery was opened in May 2023.
Photography by Dave Watts
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